Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Essay On The Most Interesting Incident Of My Life

Life is full of strange happenings. They seem very often to arise from very trifling causes. But so long as we do not know the causes, they seem to be most exceptional. They become very exciting. Life becomes interesting because of such things. They are very welcome because they break the boredom of life. Holidays, for example, are welcome changes in our routine of daily life. The arrival of relatives is also very exciting, specially when they come unexpectedly. A thunderstorm during summer can also very exciting. Quarrels of our neighbours give us some thrill, and when they make up their differences and become friends, they give us delight, Sudden fires are also very exciting though, of course, they are not at all welcome. The visit of great men to our town or school is a red-letter day in our life. Such incidents are happening very often and they give us variety of experience. They sweeten life and add to our experience.
A very interesting thing happened to me when I was a small lad. I have regarded it as the most exciting event in my life so far. It was a very strange and fearful event when it happened. It ended as a joke, though. But when it took place, it upset and terrified me beyond description. Let me describe it in a right way.
It thappened one night. I was sleeping with my elder brother in one room of our house. Mother and sisters were sleeping in other ooms. Father was not present. At about midnight I woke up as I heard some kind of sound coming from the kitchen of our house. I was, truly speaking, afraid. It so happened that there were several thieves in our neighbourhood in the past few weeks. Every one was dlert and apprehensive. I was old enough to imagine all sorts of obberies. I always imagined that big, black men would break into the house, beat us and run away with all our belongings. This was a (instant fear with me in those days. We had no servants in our house, mid father was out of station.
Naturally, under such circumstances, any sound• at night was cnough to terrify me. This sound, as I said, came from the kitchen, which was in the backyard of our house. It was a very strange sound. It sounded like some one opening the kitchen door. This door was made ()I tin set in a wooden frame. It used to make much sound whenever it was opened or was being shut. So I began to suspect that thieves had (Altered into our backyard, and that they were forcing the door open. I lie sound became more and insistent. I was, however, so terribly 11 ightened that I was not even able to cry or speak. And the sound went on increasing. It seemed to me that the thieves were inside the Is a ellen and that they were removing our pots and pans. There were ,ilso several tin boxes in which mother kept all the sweetmeats and other eatables. I was in a fix. I was more anxious about the loss of ..weetmeat than about other things. I did not know what to do. I kept liernbling in the bed.
However, the sound became so deafening that my brother dlso wokeup. Mother also woke up and we then began to shout for help. We were all certain that thieves were there. We kept on crying .ind shouting and yelling. We drowned the sound of the kitchen in our nWIl shouts. The combined sound of our voices and that coming from the kitchen became very great indeed. It was enough to awake even haf people. It was a very exciting affair.
Our neighbours were alarmed and they came out to our house. They had gathered in our compound and were asking us to dpen the door. They kept on shouting and thumping on the door of  house. They thus added their own voice to that of ours.

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