Friday, May 31, 2013

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used To Treat

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used To Treat.....

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is indicated for treatment of conditions featuring deficient tissue oxygenation or certain infections in which oxygen at high pressure inhibits growth of the causative organisms. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy also is used concurrently with radiotherapy for the treatment of some malignant tumors where there is evidence that results are better when the two regimes are used simultaneously.

Although still relatively experimental, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used clinically :

(1)    For treatment of clostridial gas gangrene. The inhalation of 100 per cent oxygen at increased ambient pressure prevents the growth of Clostridium welchii (a true anaerobe), the causative organism of the disease, and also prevents clostridial toxin production.

(2)    For treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon mon¬oxide combines with haemoglobin much more readily than oxygen. Oxygen, when breathed at high pressure, competes with carbon monoxide for attachment to the hemoglobin molecule and 'drives off' the carbon monoxide.
(3)    In conjunction with radiotherapy, as mentioned above.

(4)    For treatment of surface infections caused by aerobic organisms which are sensitive to oxygen at increased pressure. Patients with infected varicose ulcers, pressure sores and burns may benefit. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy also seems to reduce infec¬tion and increase the rate of healing in split skin grafts and ischaemic pedicle skin grafts.

(5)    In haemorrhagic shock.
(6)    In the treatment of coronary thrombosis.

Its use in the treatment of these last two conditions is still very experi-mental.
Again experimentally, hyperbaric oxygenation, especially when com¬bined with hypothermia, prolongs the period of safe circulatory arrest for cardiac surgery, and clinical experience with this technique in the surgery of congenital heart disease in infants is encouraging.

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