Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Visit To The Vegetable Market

A Visit To The Vegetable Market Essay
I had heard that a fish market is the noisiest place in the world. But, last Saturday, when I visited the local vegetable market. I felt that probably the expression 'fish market' contained half the truth only. I think the vegetable market is the noisiest place in the world.

The market was not only noisy hut also filthy. The stench was all pervasive. I wondered how the vegetable sellers could sit the whole day in the dirt and smell. Cows, dogs and other animals were also mingling with human beings.

I. however. realised that just as I was compelled by circumstances to go to the market others must be also visiting it out of compulsion.

I had taken my servant with me and ordered him to carry few bags with him. We contacted different vendors and shopkeepers. We haggled with them over rates.

Finally we filled our bags and sacks with carrots. radishes, turnips, peas, cabbages, cauliflowers, potatoes, tomatoes etc.  indeed whatever we could lay hands on at a reasonable rats. We hired a rickshaw and returned home. I thanked of God that I had not got an infectious skin disease like scabies, eczema etc. while going through the dirty vegetable market.

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