Monday, June 3, 2013

Definition Of Cyanosis And Its Types

Definition Of Cyanosis And Its Types....

Cyanosis means a blue colour of the skin and mucous membranes (i.e. the linings of body cavities such as the mouth) due to an increase in the concentration of reduced haemoglobin in the capillaries above the level of 5 g per 100 ml. This increase may be due to some defect of oxygenation in the lungs, or to the removal of more oxygen than normal as the blood passes through the tissues.

If the primary defect is one of oxygenation, the blue colour is independent of any effect produced during circulation through the tissues: the cyanosis is therefore present in the mouth, which retains.a good blood supply despite a diminished cardiac output. Such cyanosis is-called central-.

An excessive removal of oxygen by the tissues is basically due to an inadequate blood supply to the tissues (low cardiac output), and the resultant cyanosis is therefore seen best where the circulation is poorest, namelyin the hands and feet, and is often called peripheral cyanosis.

Cyanosis is thus a useful sign that something is wrong with pulmonary gas exchange, or else with the circulation. However, it is unwise to rely on this sign because it may be absent despite severe cardiopulmonary disturbances.

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