Monday, June 3, 2013

Diseases Of The Bronchi Lungs And Pleura

Diseases Of The Bronchi Lungs And Pleura...
Pleural effusion. Disease of the pleura may lead to the outpouring of Hind into t he pleural cavity. This may complicate pneumonia, pulmonary bronchial carcinoma and tuberculosis. Also fluid in the pleural cavity slay arise during the course of cardiac failure.

Spontaneous pneumonia. Rupture of the lung wall with escape of air 1110 lie pleural cavity may occur in otherwise fit people. Sometimes there is an obvious cyst on the lung surface which ruptures, but often there is only a minute hole arising at the site of a localized area of developmental weakness is the wall. Rarely it is a complication of some underlying disease in the lung such as tuberculosis

PI MONETARY TUBERCULOSIS lithospheres Infection of the lungs is of two types:
primary and
post-primary reinfection, or adult type.

Primary infection. Tubercle bacilli on first entering the lungs set up a localized reaction usually no larger than a Small coin (Chan focus). From Sucre the organisms are carried by the lymphatics to the neighbouring.

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