Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Short Essay For Kids My Grandmother

Short Essay For Kids My Grandmother ....

My grandmother's name is Margaret Brown. She is a very old lady. She never tells her age but I think she must be about eighty ;ears. She does not know her exact date of birth. She has never celebrated her birthday.

She is very fair, with twinkling brown eyes, white hair, spectacles on her nose and wrinkles on her face. She is very religious and spends about tour to five hours a day in prayers. She has a firm faith in God. She goes to the church every Sunday.

She is very weak and walks with the help of a stick. She has fallen down many times and even got hurt. Consequently she does not walk much and spends most of her time sitting down or in the bed.

My grandmother did not get a chance to study much and that is why she is very keen for me to pay full attention to my studies. She always enquires from me what we did in school. She loves me very much and every Sunday gives me some money to spend on myself.
. also love her very much.

I always pray to God to look after my grandmother so that she may live for many more years.

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