Monday, June 3, 2013

Typhoid Fever Side Effects On Humans Body

Typhoid Fever Side Effects On Humans Body ....

Typhus fever is caused by one of the Rickettsia germs: R. prowazeki is the commonest. The germ is spread by the body louse which passes it in its faeces. The patient scratches because of irritation caused by the presence of the lice and the rickettsia gets into the body through the scratched skin.
Symptoms. Typhus fever is a serious disease, and in the past caused many deaths wherever living conditions were bad and lice therefore common.

Such conditions used to be the rule in gaols, and typhus was often called gaol fever. The disease begins suddenly with fever and headache; soon the patient is racked with generalized pains, and often he is delirious at this stage. Finally he sinks into a mental torpor and dies in great misery. A red papular rash often appears on the chest and abdomen. The temperature is high the illness, except towards the end when it may fall below normal.

Treatment. Chloramphenicol is a very effective drug; if given early enough, it saves the lives of most patients. The patient needs very careful nursing and all attendants must take precautions against lice passing from the patient. The patient on arrival must be covered with a sheet, and an attendant wearing protective clothing shaves the patient's body of all hair and an insecticide is used to kill lice. If there are no lice, there can be no typhus.

Prevention. The main part of prevention is to ensure good living conditions and cleanliness so that lice cannot infest man. This is easy in civilized areas, but not so easy under primitive conditions. 

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