Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Letter To Younger Brother Advising Him To Work Hard And Give Up Bad Company.

A Letter To Younger Brother Advising Him To Work
Hard And Give Up Bad Company.

Examination Hall,
(City) A.B.C.
October 15, 1997. 

My dear Brother,
It pains me to hear that you did not do well in the second quarterly examination. You have failed in English, Urdu and even in Islamic Studies. You should be ashamed of it. You know I showed good results in the sane school. All teachers know that you are my brother. They expect good results from you too. But
you have disappointed: all of them as well as us.

Your teacher has written that you are often absent from school and comes not prepared with your lesson. lie has also pointed out that you are getting into bad company. I am shocked to know all this. You should give up your had company at once . otherwise you will be ruined4. You belong to a nobles family and you should not disgrace" it.

I have requested your teacher to report me about you every month. If your next report is not satisfactory, it will be my painful duty to bring it to the notice of the father. I do not say that you should always study but game is also important for health. But both the things should be at their time. I hope you will mend your ways and try to show better result in future.

With best wishes.

Yours affectionately, Y.Z.

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