Friday, July 12, 2013

Essay On Good Deeds Never Dies

Essay On Good Deeds Never Dies 

Good deeds may be done,by any one in any walk of life; by the solider in barracks or on the battle field, the woman in the home,the nurse in the hospital, the businessman in his office, the boy a, school, or the inventor in the workshop. The actual performance of good deed adds to the happiness both of the doer and of those or whom it is done. The memory of a good deed excites love gratitude, revenues man's belief in his kind, and inspires others to go and do likewise. It is an incentive to them to live purely). act sprightly, and deal justly with their fellow-men.

The source of good deeds is self-sacrifice. That ''as a of the Swiss patriot who, when his country men v, ffc tattble to break through the solid phalanx of Austrian spearrniniti,hod upon the spears, gathered as many as he could in his ar,-,,s aod plug,ged them into his breast, thus creating a gap through v Inch the Swiss could enter and win the day. He knew that he was rushin,. to certain death, but he considered his own life of little moment if he could only show the way to victory and strike a blow for his country .

Nobility is not the prerogative of men. Grace Darlinu set an examle of heroism in well doing which has never been surpassed. Hie steamer Forfarshire, while on its voyage from Hull to DT tdee. struck on a rock and snapped in two. The fore part of the 'vesselnine persons, remained fast. Half a mile away there N. as a 41'4 house, occupied by an old man, his wife and a daugker. Grace. Seeing the men on the wreck, Grace Darling entreated hi- "athor let down a boat. but he declared that on ace° ani of thL boisterousness of the sea it would be certain death.

Yet he let d the boat, Grace Darling was the first to enter it. The chance: of rescue were small indeed. Nevertheless they toiled on, and by great care and vigilance made their way to the wreck amid the breakers. and succeeded in rescuing all the survivors.

- It is terrible to reflect on the 'remorse of those who, with great powers for good, worked evil. Charles IX, who authorised the massacre of the Huguenots on the night of St. Bartholomew, was tortured by its horrors during his dying moments. Every moment, vision of corpses covered with blood haunted him. How he wished he had spared the innocent.

What a contrast was the end of Pericles, the great Athenian statesman. While those about him were commending him for things that others might have done as well as himself, he interrupted them with a rebuke because they took no notice of the greatest and most honourable part of his character that no Athenian. through his means, ever went into mourning.

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