Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Essay On A Journey By Bus Journey By Bus Essay

Essay On A Journey By Bus.
Yesterday, I was late for school. So I missed' my school van. I reached the stop. I madey mind to travel by bus, to save money. There was great rush. Peo e were waiting for the bus. But every bus was packed to suffocation because of peak hours.

 At last a bus arrived. It had a few seats vacant. It looked very shabby. Willynilly, I had to board on it. Bus conductor waited for more passengers to fill its huge belly.

The passangers became impatient. They protested for the departurel of the bus. However, it set out on its way. Whenever, driver tried to increase its speed, engine protested" against it. Really, it looked very funny.

There was altercation between the passengers and the conductor on fare. An old wonvn was cursing a boy for troding her foot.

There was a great hue and cry in the bus. It seemed as if there were sheep instead of passengers. My sixth sense warned me, that something untoward was going to happen.

Thank God, nothing happened. I, by the grace of God, reached my stop safe and sound. I determined never to travel by such ugly and shabby bus again.

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