Friday, July 12, 2013

Essay On The Lid Moon

Essay On The Lid Moon 

The Shaw wal moon announces the end of the holy month of Ramadhan. The next day is the day of Eid-ul-Fitra. It is a day of prayer and joy. The Muslims thank God Almighty for having enabled them to observe the fasts.

Every body waits for this day anxiously. Their eyes scan the western sky. They are looking for the moon. The children are more eager to see the moon. When the evening falls, everybody rushes to the roof. All the men, women, the young, the old and the children get on the roof Everyone is over joyed. Everyone wishes to point out the moon first. They do their best to point out the moon. At that time all the faces are towards west and eyes fixed in the sky.

Soneone raises his hand towards the sky and shouts. "There is the moon!" Others redouble their efforts to search for the moon. Suddenly many people begin to shout. "The moon has appeared". Then they raise their hands in prayer. Children clap and laugh and are happy. They are excited. Someone explodes a cracker in the street. In a short time the news of the appearance of the moon spreads throughout the city. People begin preparations for the Eid. Shops and markets remain open till late night.

Seeing the moon, people greet each other. They wish 'Happy Eid Moon' to one an other. Every body's joy knows no bounds. Some people specially wait for moon night shopping. People forget their dinner. All the people want to make preparation for the next morning. They exchange greetings with their relatives. The rich give fitrana to the poor so that they could also join them on this happy occasion. This day is also important for the poor. They also take the same interest as the rich. For all the Muslims, all over the world, Eid moon has special importance. Everybody loves to see the moon with his own eyes. At present TV and Radio have changed the tradion but most of the people rush to the roof.

Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th of Zill Haj. As there are nine days between the Eid and the appearance of the moon people are not very eager to see the moon. Only the Eid-ul-Fitra moon has special importance for the people. If people fail to detect moon, they have t keep an other fast. They are keen interested in the Eid moon. There is great susppence on this day because no one knows whether there is Eid day or fasting day.

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