Monday, July 29, 2013

Essay On My Ambition In Life

Essay On My Ambition In Life.People have their own dreams in life. Many aspire to be rich or to become business tycoons (magnates, big guns) . Some persons Ii dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers. There are others who have a craze for becoming poets, writers and novelists while most of us generally have a desire of becoming engineers, doctors and scientists of great repute. There are a very few persons, who are happy-go-lucky by nature and have no clear- cut aim in their lives.

As for myself, 1 do not have very ambitious aims in my life. I do not wish to become a mill-owner or a multi-millionaire. The sole object of my life is to lead a life of simplicity and goodness devoted to the service of humanity. The life of a professional leader or a politician does not interest me, as most of such persons have grown parasites on the society.

1 am born of middle class parents, From the very beginning. I have been passing through the struggles of life. I have seen cutthroat competition in most of the professions. Its consequences have been far-reaching; people are demoralised. Examples are not wanting when we can find the engineers accepting big bribes. lawyers rescuing guilty persons or murderers and doctors demanding money from the patients at crucial stages of surgical operation.

Then what do I want to be? Indeed, from the core of my heart, I wish to become a teacher. The motto of this life, simple living and high thinking, inspires me to take up this profession. The noble ideals of the teachers in the ancient times are before me. I am fully aware of the difficult and hard life of a teacher. I know that a teacher is lotted to be poor. He -leads a life of drudgery, busy in correcting exercise-books or answer books of the students. There are no stirring events in his life.

lnspite of these hardships. I do not hesitate to become a teacher. I have my own reasons and considerations for this. From my' early childhood. I have developed a love for the young children:- To me. they are delicate and beautiful like the petals of a flower. I Feel that as a teacher. I can help the students in widening their out giving them knowledge. I will have the satisfaction of doing, an invaluable service to the country by producing better In/ens.

Moreover, the company of the young children can even help me in remaining young and fresh in thoughts and outlook. Besides tendering all these important services I will also have the means of subsistence. I have a great faith in: the life of a noble and ideal teacher, because teachers are the custodians of the highest value.

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