Monday, July 29, 2013

Essay On My Neighbour Essay Of Mice

Last Sunday. we shifted our residence to a new Government colony. This colony is inhibited by the employees of the Government. .1hey belong to various departments and ministries. But my next door neighbours are really very tine. One is a Police inspector. lie has a small family. His son is a college student. Ile is a very intelligent boy. Ile often tells me very interesting stories.

The police inspector is also very gentle. His habits and temperaments are very tine. He considers himself to be the custodian of law and order. He never misuses his powers but always helps others. his wife is a lady of religious bent of mind. She is a God-fearing lady. She also extends to us deep co-operation.

The quarter, in front of ours belongs to a Principal of a school. He is an old man of 55 and is thoroughly gentle. Ihs behaviour is very nice. He helps the deserving students, by admitting them in his school. He gives fee concession to the needy and poor people. He has a medium sized family of two sons and a daughter. They are of helping nature. his daughter is my class-fellow. We go to school together. The Principal loves me very much. Sometimes he gives us very interesting lectures. It is a well-educated family.

The family. that lives at the back of our house is a middle Lindy. But the members of the family are really very dp.riemnp. I hey do not possess the decorum of a civilised people. I he lie;id of the family is an Assistant in Central Government. IIis belia lour is rude. He has quarrel ed with many people over trifles. I Ir• children are very naughty.

They beat other tiny children. Their mother is also a terrible lady. She often scolds her children. She being an uneducated lady always creates hell in her house. l'er\ one in the locality' is afraid of her. Most of the people are not On speaking terms with this family'.

But a majority of my neighbours are my friends. They are ..4)cial and of helping nature. I pass my time easily in their company. Neighbours are sometimes are helpful than Ono's relatives. We should ala s create a climate of friendship among our neighbours. I Iiti. i1111 lucky enough in having good neighbours.

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