Saturday, July 27, 2013

Essay On The Person I Hate The Most

Essay On The Person I Hate The Most .It is said that Man's body is the temple of God. I don't agree with the view. There are some human beings who are worse than devils. They can shoot down innocent bus passengers or attack the peaceful citizens. They can throw bombs anywhere and blow up buildings and factories in no time. It is not so easy to build but it does not take much time to destroy. Such people are a curse for humanity.

More and more persons are joining the ranks of terrorists. Some of them to save their religion, other to save their culture. they have never ready any book on religion nor have they anything to do with culture.
One of my class-fellows was caught by the police, he was planting a bomb in a local bus. He was never regular in the class and always occupied back seat. He never completed his homework and was always found sleeping in the class.

When the teacher checked him, he denied that he was sleeping. He could invent lies at the spur of the moment and never admitted his fault. Once he had to pay some money to the manager of the canteen. He threatened the manager with a dagger. The matter was reported to the Principal and the boy was rusticated. His parents came and apologised on his behalf. He remained adamant and refused to admit his fault.

I do not know what happened to him afterwards I was surprised to see his photograph in the newspapers. When I read what he had done. I really felt ashamed for him. He had brought bad name to Ilk. college. The police came to the college to enquire about his hack ground. We told Lie police officer, how he was expelled from the college. Ile will be tried in tire court and prosecuted. Thus, he has brought a slur on his parents, relatives and college.

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