Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Essay On Prize Distribution Function In My College

Essay On Prize Distribution Function In My College.Prize Distribution Function is important in the life of a college. It comes only once in a year. This generates new enthusiasm in the college. A strong link is established with the public. This function is really very attractive. Like other years, this year also the function attracted hall- packed audience consisting of parents and invitees. The prize giving function of the college was held on the 15th January. The Director o: Education was invited to grace the occasion as the chief guest.

The preparations for the function started a month earlier. The college building was white washed. The college hall, where the function was to be held, was beautifully decorated with pictures and charts. On the appointed day. a beautiful table and certain chairs were placed on the stage. The carpets were spread to seat the students and in the rest of the hall, chairs were arranged. The front rows were reserved for the teachers and invitees.

The function was to start at 10 A.M. By 9.30 A.M. the was jam-packed with the audience. The visitors were very m,...ii impressed by the arrangements which the students had made. In one corner, there was a table, where the prizes and trophies were arranged. row all of us were eagerly looking for the arrival of the chief guest.

It was in the nick of time that the Director of Education came in his car. He was accorded a warm welcome by the Principal and the senior members of the staff. The band was played in his honor as he entered the hall; all the students and other audience stood up as a mark of respect. The Director of Education was profusely garlanded by the Principal and by certain other senior members of the staff. As soon as the chief guest occupied his scat, there was pin-drop silence in the Hall.

The principal broke the ice by giving a brief isntroducti6n of the life-sketch of the Chief Guest. Later he read the Annual Report of the college, giving an account of the .past achievements of the college. At the same time he requested the Chief Guest tp enhance to annual grant which was quite insufficient in view of tbe students'
interest in manifold activities.

The Principal instructed the president. of the Literary Club to begin with the cultural program. Some students sang beautiful songs. "Prince and the Wood Cutter" of "Six • One Act Plays", a prescribed book, was staged. The participants got thunderous applause from the audience for their wonderful talents which they showed in acting. The students who took part in this play. seemed to 7C well-prepared. Some folk-dances added charm to it.

The Chief Guest, who presided. gave away the prizes to the prize-winner and shook hands with them. The President delivered a short speech wherein he praised the perlOrmance of the students and encouraged them to participate still more enthusiaslically. I le also admired the sense of discipline imbibed by the students during the entire funetOwThen,,the Principal got up and thanked the President for his kitunt it to the college.

Thus, the function came to an end with the singing of the National Anthem. The following day was declared to be a holiday h the Principal.

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