Friday, July 12, 2013

Essay On A Visit To Science Exhibition

Essay On A Visit To Science Exhibition

The boy naturally considers exhibitions as place of amusements because, in the grounds occupied by any great exhibition, there are usually numerous side-shows and devices to attract people and increase the attendance.

The primary object of an exhibition. however, is to exhibit examples of as many kinds of work as possible. collected from all parts of the world. Engineers will show their best machinery, architects their drawings, schools their specimens of handwriting and needlework. pencil-makers their pencils, woolen and cloth manufacturers their fabrics, and so on.

Sometimes the stalls will includes small workshops, where the wares of the manufacturers are made in view of the spectators, are freely distributed among the people. so that exhibitions serve as excellent means of advertising the goods of those who exhibit. Manufacturer can learn from manufacturer. Inhabitants of countries backward in certain class of articles, have an opportunity of 'seeking the finished products of other countries and learning how to improve their own. The first great English exhibitions was, held in 1851.

ln 1849 the Society of Arts. being greatly influenced in the matter by Prince Albert. sketched the outline of an exhibition of the industries of all nations, and such an exhibition was organised and managed by a Royal Commission, with the price at its head. It was held in a vast structure of iron and glass, called the Crystal Palace, the area of which covered nineteen acres. The exhibitors numbered nearly'l 5.000, being about equally divided between British and foreign contributors. The great exhibition which held in fortress stadium Lahore is of considerable benefit to Pakistan.

Many arts and products of Pakistan, are received general attention. Meddles are awarded for the most praiseworthy exhibits, and the trade of firm skilled in different kinds of manufactures thereby receive an impetus, and those who fail to win awards recognise the necessity of improving their workmanship. Thus a higher standard of excellence was set, and seller and consumer alike are benefited.

Exhibitions are very common now-a-days. Exhibit means to make a show of certain things but when someone wishes to make something very common, he arranges exhibition. It attracts a large number of people.

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