Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Story On The King And The Spider Try, Try Again Story It Is Never To Late To Learn Story

Story On The King And The Spider.King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. Once he was defeated by the English. He ran for his dear life. His enemies followed him. He hid himself in a cave. When he was lying there, he saw a spider that fell from its web. It tried again and again to reach its web, but it fell every time.

It tried nine times, but failed. The king thought that the spider would try no more. But it tried once again. This time it reached its web. It gave the king a new hope. He said to himself, "When this small insect can succeed by trying again and again, why should not try once again and succeed?" He came out of the cave.

He gathered his scattered companions' large army and attacked the English. This time they fought8 very bravely and defeated them.

Moral: Try, try again.
Faith moves mountains.
It is never to late to learn.
Persevrance is-virtue.

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