Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Story On The Lamb And The Wolf,Might Is Right Story For Kids

Story On The Lamb And The Wolf.Once a wolf felt very thirsty. He went to a stream to quench his thirst. While the wolf was drinking water in the stream, he saw a lamb drinking water down stream at some distance. On seeing the lamb, his mouth watered. So the wolf made up his mind to devour that lamb.

The wolf hit upon an excuse. He said to the lamb, "Why are you making water dirty?" The lamb replied, "Sir how can I do that, the stream flows from you to me and not from me to you." The wolf got annoyed° and said, "Then, why did you rebuke me last year?" The poor lamb replied, "Sir, I was not even born then, I am six months old."

These remarks of the lamb annoyed the wolf all the more and he ran towards the lamb saying, "Then it must be your father or mother." Saying this, the wolf sprang upon the lamb and devoured him.

Moral: Might is right.
Beware of the wicked.

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