Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Write A Letter To Your Uncle Thanking Him For The Birthday Present Letter To Uncle Thanking Him for the Birthday Present

Write A Letter To Your Uncle Thanking
Him For The Birthday Present 

Examination Hall.
City A.B.C.
Jan 4, 1998.
My dear Uncle,

Today, I have received your parcel. With surprise I have opened it. There is a beautiful watch in it. Seeing it I am over joyed. I cannot find word to thank you for the present' on my 16th birthday.

The wrist watch is very beautiful. All of my friends admire it. It keeps correct4 time. I was withouts a watch so far. I always desired to have one.

I keep it very carefully. It will be of great use to me during the
examination days. It will regulate mylife. Moreover it will always remind me of your great love for me.

Regard to everyone.
Your loving nephew,
Roll NO                                        

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