Friday, August 23, 2013

Essay On A Visit To A Hospital Essay On Hospital

Essay On A Visit To A Hospital Essay On Hospital.A visit to a hospital is an experience in itself. During the last summer. one of my friends met with an accident. He was admitted in the Services Hospital. Once I paid a visit to him. In this way I also visited the whole of the hospital. As I entered the hospital, I saw people coming and going. I went to the enquiry office and enquired about the wards. First of all visited the surgical ward. I saw patients lying silently on their beds. Some of the patients had their arms and legs bandaged and plastered. I also saw how a nurse and a doctor were attending on them. These two persons were very sympathetic.

The doctor was directing the nurse to give them necessary medicines. His way of talking was itself very consoling. Calm and quiet were prevailing in the whole ward. Then I went to the medical ward. I saw some of the patients lying on their beds very pensively. From their faces I guessed their pathetic plight. They all seemed to be disgusted with their disease. In the meanwhile the doctor took a round of that ward. The other members of the staff were also accompanying him.

The doctor was enduring about the welfare of the patients one by one. He listened very sympathetically to the troubles of the patients. He was also giving injections to some of the patients. To others, he gave a dose of medicine or mixture.

Then I turned to the operation theatre. Outside the theatre I saw patients to be operated upon lying on the stretchers. The corridor presented a very calm and quick look. Some of the people after recovering from their illness were squatting in the lawns of the hospital. They were playing cards and chess. They were enjoying themselves on the grassy lawns, while some of the people were going home after recovering completely from their illness. They were in delightful moods.

The entire hospital presented to me a very gloomy look. The plight of the patients and the seriousness of the prevailing atmosphere touched me. The behaviour of the doctors and nurses was worthy of Commendations. They acted most wisely and ably in handling the problems of the patients. The patients in turn were also happy with their sympathetic behaviour.I then came out of the hospital. There was a world of difference between the atmosphere which prevailed outside and inside the hospital

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