Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Essay On Hand Vs Machine And Its Benefits

Essay On Hand Vs Machine And Its Benefits.......

From my point of view, there are limy factors affecting  whether to choose an item made by hand or by machine. The main factor to make a judgment is whether WC use the item for our daily life or for collection and decoration purposes.For items used in our daily life, the choices we make depend on the following factors: function, form, and price. Function is the most important thing for us. If a product is beautiful, but it is not able to perform the function, it can only be called a decoration, or a piece of garbage.

 For example, when we buy a TV, what we really care about first it is the quality of the picture and sound, how many stations it can receive, and whether it can be connected easily to the VCR and DVD player at home. The second factor that affects our choice of a product for daily use is its form Is the TV too big, too small, or too ugly? Will it fit into the living room? Will it be compatible with the colours of other appliances and the furniture? The third factor we may consider is the price. Even if we are very happy with the item, there is no meaning if we cannot afford it. So, in our daily life, there is really no difference whether our clothes or furniture arc made by hand or made by machine. It just doesn't matter as long as they can perform their function. For items for collection and decoration, it is a completely different story. Ancient tools and historical artifacts have more market and educational value than modem day massively produced products, and traditional handicrafts make good tourist souvenirs and beautiful decoration for the house. Therefore, when it comes to items for collection and decoration, I would definitely choose items made by hand, because they are just so special.

In conclusion, depending on different items and different uses, I will make different choices.
Every city has one or more zoos. For a while, people think that a zoo is no useful purpose. Ifi Vete faced with this issue, I would think that zoos are useful. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint.

The first mason is that zoos am ollen used as places to preserve the endangered species, such as the giant pandas and tigers. It is the conservation of animals that is the most important function of a zoo. With the advances in reproductive technologies, which assist in breeding captive animals, the zoo has become the most important place for animal consmation. Thanks to zoos, certain species of animals have been saved from extinction. Such animals are bred in captivity and when they are ready to survive in the wild, are reintroduced to their original habitat - in the rain forests of Brazil, for instance.

In the second place, child= can obtain direct knowledge about a variety of animals by visiting zoos. They can see what a tiger is like, hear various sounds of birds and tell one animal from another. If them is no such a place, how can they make contact with animals? They may never have a chance to see various animals even though they learn many from books. When I was a little girl, I liked animals very much, especially birds. But I could not feed them for myself, so the zoo which was located near my home was the place I went to most fmquent. And I really love these places.

Finally, a zoo is a place for fun. In fact, this is why it is so good at educating the public about the importance of conserving wildlife and the environment: it puts fun into education. Seeing pictures is not the same as seeing animals at close up. What makes visiting a zoo so enjoyable is our close contact with them. Therefore a zoo not only attracts many tourists from other countnes, it also allows us to sec, without having to leave home, big cats and exotic animals of distant countries.

In summaty, 1 believe that a zoo has some useful pumoscs to serve: to preserve the endangered species, to educate the public about wildlife, and for its visitors to have fun. So a zoo of coruse is a useful place for us and we should have The preference of machine-made clothes or hand-made cloth is a matter of one's personality. Some people who like clothes produced by machine argue that the clothes are much cheaper, and the machine work surely beat those handmade ones. On the contrast, people enthusiastic at handmade clothes hold the idea of "rare is good" and they also believe that handmade items bear more meaning in them such as love, concern and friendship. As far as I am concerned, I would stand by the side of handmade advocates and my reasons go as following.

First of all, I believe there are some advantages in machine-made clothes, the main of which is their availability. It saves you time and energy to buy a machine made clothes in a department store rather than make a cloth by yourself or your tailor. And low price is also an attractive merit. As machine made clothes take advantage of whole made and wholesale, the cost of which definitely much cheaper than that of a single tailored one.

In spite of the above advantages of the machine made clothes, however, I still prefer handmade clothes personally. Handmade clothes have particular patterns and designs that entirely tally with my own tastes. When wearing the handmade clothing which is designed by myself, I will never wony about running across a woman who wearing the same dress as me. My clothes will be the only one in the world, the thought comforts me most.
Furthermore, no wonder that handmade clothing is the fittest clothing to you because it is totally tailor made for youiself. Consequently it will make your figure look best and make your appearance more confident.
Finally, a handmade cloth could be the most precious gift to your parents or fiends. The cloth will convey your love and concern to the gift receiver.

In brief, the advantages of a handmade cloth outweigh those of a machine made one so much that everyone could draw the conclusion that handmade clothes are better. 
Them are many items that arc either made by hand or by machine. For example, clothes arc made both by hand and machine. My pmference would be machine made clothing because the most merchants would carry it for sale during certain seasons and it is not as expensive. There may be one or two disadvantages to the clothes made by machine; however, I believe that there are for mom advantages. The reasons for my view go as follows.

One of the minor disadvantages of a machine-made clothing is its quality. For instance, I would often purchase my clothing that is imported Wm Hong Kong or Korea, which has better quality than that !rude of my own country. In general, machine-made clothes are produced in lame quantities according to season. When the season changes, another line of fashion will be on its way out for sale. Consequently, many businesses woukl not use higher-quality materials to produce its' line of clothing.

The main disadvantage of a machine-made clothing is the quality of the materials being used. But the advantages far out weight hand made clothing because clothes made by machines are produced faster. Due to the quicker praluction; people can have access to the latt styles and colors. For instance, swimsuits, pants, shirts, tops, etc... have different types of styles, colors, and cuts. Due to the seasonal trends, majority of the people does not WOITy about the quality of the clothes.

The second advantage of machinennde clothes is the price. Because these clothes are produced in larger numbers and the quality is lower, the pricing will also be lower than hand made clothes. Due to the tross production of machine- made clothes, merchants will be able to purchase a certain line of fashion in larger quantities. With larger quantities of same fashion around, the prices will also be cheaper. This will be a positive situation for the consumers, whom would like to spend as little as they can, but still wants to remain in fashion. )

Although I agree that there is a disadvantage to machine-made clothes, I feel that the advantages are more important. Machine-made clothes can bring the latest fashions from Japan and certain western countries. In addition, the price is lower. Therefore, in my opinion, these advantages play an important role in the consumers' decision to purchase clothes.

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