Monday, June 3, 2013

Uses Of Drugs And Presentation Alcohol

Uses Of Drugs And Presentation Alcohol  ...

A drug is a substance used to treat or relieve the symptoms of disease °Ms a prophylactic agent used to prevent disease. The term Material Medica is an old one which has been misused in the past and means simply 'medicinal substances'. In years past it has embraced much wider meanings.and has included the study of pharmacy, pharmacology and pharmacology. Because these are themselves precise terms no purpose is served by perpetuating the use of the out-dated term Material Medica.

. Pharmacy is the science and art of preparing drugs, standardizing them and formulating them into preparations for use in the treatment or prevention of disease.

Pharmacology is the study of the structural, physical, chemical and sensory characters of crude drugs of vegetable and animal origin.
Pharmacology is the study of the mode of action of drugs and Therapeutics is the application of this study in the treatment of disease.

The British Pharmacopoeia (R.P.) is an authoritative book produced by the Pharmacopoeia Commission and published at the direction of the Medicines Commission, which describes and provides standards for many drugs in common use, It is under constant revision and Addenda are produced at intervals during I he five-year ha: of each edition. The Pharmacopoeia Commission is also responsible or devising Approved Names for drugs. These names become the pharmacopoeia names of drugs when they are given official sta Ms by being included in the B.F.

The British Pharmareol Ica! Codex  is a book produced and published by the Pharmaceutical Society to supplement the information contained in the B. /'. It includes standards for drugs which are not referred to in the current B.F. and or surgical dressings and sutures. It also contains a number of formulae Inr preparations of drugs in regular use.

The British National Formulator (B.N.F.) is a book produced by the Joint Formulaty Committee composed of representatives of the medical and pharmaceutical professions and it lists a selection of drugs and preparations which should serve the needs of most prescribes. In addition, it contains a section devoted to notes for prescribes on the actions and uses of drugs.

Proprietary drugs and preparations are those which are protected by patent or other means against competition in respect of name, composition or process of manufacture. It is necessary to use proprietary names with care since it would be an infringement of the law to use one in describing a drug or preparation manufactured by a company other than the company in whose name the proprietary name is registered.

For example, there is only one manufacturer entitled to use the name `Dindevan' to describe his brand of phenylalanine tablets B.P. although there are several manufacturers of phenylalanine tablets B.P. It is good practice to use -Approved Names for drugs whenever possible.

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