Friday, July 12, 2013

Essay On The Independence Day Independence Day Speech

Essay On The Independence Day Independence Day Speech

This day reminds us of attainment of freedom from foreign rule. On this day, the British left the Sub-continent and handed over the reins of the Government to the national Government of Free Pakistan. This day marks the triumph of those Pakistani nationalists and patriots who struggled hard and even sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the motherland.

This year also the Independence Day was celebrated in my town. Early in the morning there was processions. People sang in that clam atmosphere of the dawn such songs as were reminiscent of the brave deeds of Pakistani heroes. People were in their cheerful moods.

Then at 7 a.m., the national flag was hoisted at the University grounds. People came to witness this ceremony. The flag was unfurled by our local dignitary who is the Health Minister in the Punjab Government. After hoisting the flag. the visiting dignitary gave a powerful speech in which he described the progress of Pakistani planning during the last forty eight years. His speech was to the point and inspiring. He also paid glowing tributes to the Pakistani Martyrs. He encouraged the people for undergoing further
hardships in order to preserve the freedom of the country. Last of all the National Anthem was played. The people then dispersed.

Independence Day celebrations are of great importance. On this day flags flutter on all Government offices. At night illuminations are also made. The buildings are lit up with electric bulbs which give a charming sight. A large number of people enjoy the lighting at night.

There was a great enthusiasms atnong people. All were in their high spirits. Parties were given and invitations extended. Radio and T.V. present special programmes on this day.

This day, indeed, is one of the important days in the history of free Pakistan. It is celebrated in every town and city of Pakistan with great gusto. Processions are brought out. Seminars are held. The whole nation enjoys the day and makes a pledge to strengthen the country.

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