Friday, July 12, 2013

Essay On The Sports Day And Sports Day Activities

Essay On The Sports Day And Sports Day Activities

The sports teach discipline to the students. They also develop the spirit of sportsmanship and suddenly derive a lot of pleasure by playing games. It also inculcates the quality of team spirit in them. The students learn the qualities of leadership and working unitedly.In our college we have a very big playground where the students play games regularly. We also celebrate our Annual Sports Day every year in the month of February. Preparations for the celebration of the Sports Day are made much in advance. There is a big gathering on that day in our college. The students who excel in games are given prizes, by the Chief Guest. The parents of the students are also invited to attend the Sports.

This year our annual Sports Day was celebrated on the 15th of February. The Chief Minister had kindly agreed to preside over the function. The Sports Day started at 9.00 a.m. with a memorable and colourful ceremony. First of all, the Chief Guest unfurled the flag. After this there was a march-past by the students in their beautiful dresses.

First of all the 50 metre race was organised. The signal for starting it was given by a pistol shot. One teacher was noting the time with the help of a stop watch. A photographer was also present. He took the photograph of the boys who stood first. There were many other races like 200 metre race, half mile race and one mile race.

After the race long jump, high jump and pole jump were organised. My friend Imran stood first in the long jump. I stood first in the high jump. Then came the turn of discus throw javelin throw. After this there was the tug-of-war which was a highly exciting event. The spectators continuously appreciated the students.
It was also quite interesting. In fact the Sports Day was a very wonderful day. All the students were happy. Some parents also joined the function. They came to enjoy games. Some parents came to encourage their children.

Before the prizes were distributed, a cultural programme was organised. Some students sang patriotic songs while others recited poems. After this the prize distribution function was held. The Chief Guest gave away the prizes to the winners.

Then our Principal gave a small speech to thank the Chef Guest for attending our Sports Day. After this there was a small tea party and refreshments were distributed to all the students and the guests. Thus ended the Sports Day of our college.

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