Monday, July 15, 2013

Essay On A Street Quarrel A Street Quarrel Paragraph

Essay On A Street Quarrel

A street quarrel nowadays is more or less a daily affair. Concentration of population in cities has created housing problem. A vast majority of people live in small rooms and have common courtyard. bathroom etc. In such situations it is but natural that interest might often clash and people might pick up a quarrel to decide matters.

Last evening it was under such circumstances that two families in my neighbourhood clashed. The head of one family. Saeed Ali, wanted to keep his cot in the court-yard, while the other person, Akram, would not allow it. It was a very minor point and might have been ignored normally.

But relations between the two families had already been made bitter because of a quarrel among their children in the morning. Therefore Alcram's wife would not take things lying down.

She challenged Saeed Ali's right to make use of the open space for his exclusive use. A sudden burst of abuses by her roused the anger of Saeed Ali and he started to assert his right physically. Akram came in the field. Both parties came to on the street where wordy dual between them tended to take a turn for the worse. Words uttered by both sides at the heat of the moment could not decide matters.

Saeed Ali pushed Akram aside and tried to slap him. Akram's younger brother suddenly appeared on the scene and both the brothers caught hold of Saeed Ali and gave him a good deal of beating. Inside the building the women were also quarreling. Saeed Al's wife saw from a distance the fall of her husband and quickly picking up a rod took aim of Akram and struck it on his head. No sooner the rod did fall than blood started flowing out and the injured fell down.

The noise and the heat of the quarrel was suddenly subdued at the fall because in the heart of their heart neither side wished to go to the length of shedding each other's blood. Fighting and abusing stopped all of a sudden and an air of fear and anxiety blew over the scene.

Meanwhile people from the neighbouring houses had collected in large numbers. It was now easier to disengage the two parties. All of them were now anxious to see Akram recovery quickly. The basic cause of the quarrel had been pushed into the background and a doctor, a near relation of Saeed Ali was rushed to the scene. He examined Akram, bandaged his head and gave injection.

Fortunately injury was not deep. A sense of remorse sat heavily on the nerves of both the parties and now their anxiety to settle their difference was as sharp as the initial flare up.

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