Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Short Essay On The Aeroplane For Kids

Short Essay On The Aeroplane For Kids.Two Wright brothers, invented the most wonderful invention of the age. Aferwards, great progress was made to increase the size, strength, speed and safety°. It is a quick and comfortable means of transport. The aeroplane flies in air as freely as the birds do.

Petrol is used as fuel in it. It carries goods and passengers. The long distances are covered in hours. The modern aeroplanes fly at a very high speed of four to five hundred miles per hours.

Now most modern aeroplanes are being prepared for war. Different countries have made such aeroplanes, which cannot be seen during their flight.

In war times aeroplanes are usd for bombardment1° on the enemy's country. F-16 is the only aeroplane, which can carry atom-bomb. In short, aeroplanes are equally useful both in war and peace.

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